Confidence, Your Responsibility – Notes Book #1

In the fourth chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) readers are encouraged to take responsibility for their confidence and daily actions. The only person with the power to change how you feel is you. This chapter is all about taking full responsibility for yourself, setting goals, planning, and putting it into action.

The power lies within you. It’s important to let go of negative habits.

For any of us to be truly free, we must first be willing to be responsible for our lives. –David McNally

Exercise #25 – Create a Wall of Confidence. Post confidence boosting ideas, notes, quotes, or affirmations to inspire.

I really like this idea. As a crafter and scrapbook-er I love making collages. The book suggested designating an entire wall in your home for this but I’m going to use the back of my bedroom door instead.

Similar to Vision Boards I’ll add quotes, affirmations, and positive images to a large piece of white poster board. Hang it up on the back of my door as the ‘Door of Confidence.’ When it’s done I’ll post a picture of it.

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