How Confident Are You? - Notes Book #1

In the second chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) the author addresses how confidence relates to self-image and self-esteem. The definitions stood out to me the most.

Self-image - the way you see yourself.

Self-Worth – value someone places on oneself. For example how worthy someone may think they are to receive joy, love, and success.

- the beliefs about your capacity to achieve and considered the core of confidence.

Belonging – feelings of self acceptance and respect by others.

All of these factors determine overall self-esteem.

Exercise #8 – How confident are you? Rate it on a scale of 0-10. What would you like it to be? I think I’m about at a 5 as far as confidence goes. It varies from day to day. I’d like to be at a 10 or beyond that if possible.

Exercise #9 &10 – Rate self-worth. On average a 5/6. How you relate to others out of 10? Where would you like to be on that same scale? Right now a 6 and I’d like to be at 10.

Exercise #11 is the same as the one I did earlier Self-Esteem Exercise #1: The List and #12 is another rating exercise for specific attributes like health and happiness. This chapter gave me a more in-depth perspective on where I am right now in my own personal growth.

Additional Notes:

Try smiling at yourself in a mirror each morning and night before going to bed. It will help program your mind towards acceptance.

Remember, your potential is limitless.

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