Back from the Hiatus...
Posted by
on Sunday, July 18, 2010
boost self esteem,
Nathaniel Branden,
personal development,
raise your self-esteem
Comments: (1)
I apologize for the long hiatus. I temporarily fell off the wagon of self-acceptance for awhile. As the widely known Japanese Proverb states fall seven times stand up eight. Growth is a tedious process but it's no way around it. You either stay stagnate or continue treading through. It's time to throw those hiking boots back on.
Today, I came across the official website of Nathaniel Branden. He's a psychologist and a pioneer in the field of self-esteem and personal development. Dr. Branden has written numerous books including The Psychology of Self-Esteem, How to Raise Your Self-Esteem, and The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. On his website there's over 15 extremely informative articles on self esteem. One particular article that struck me was justifiably titled It's Your Life, So Make the Most of It. In it he touches self-responsibility and 10 different points to consider when attempting to reach your full potential. Dr. Nathaniel Branden includes an exercise in the article that asks readers to write various endings to three sentences dealing with actions and consequences. He suggests recording the results daily for an entire week and reflecting on the weekend.
I'm starting the week with this exercise. Feel free to practice along. Definitely check out Dr. Branden's website. It's plenty of helpful information there for free if you browse around.