Angel Affirmations for Self-Esteem, Doreen Virtue

Staying Motivated – Notes Book #1

In the fifth chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) the focus centered on goal setting and staying motivated. Achieving self-esteem like any other task requires perseverance. You have to stay on track. Setting goals are an excellent method to keep moving in the right direction slowly building up self-confidence.

To change one’s life: Start immediately, Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions. No excuses. -Professor William James

Exercise #29 Answer the following question honestly. What am I trying to achieve by believing I lack confidence?

Wow, this was a really difficult exercise. I instantly wanted to defend myself like I’m not trying to achieve anything. WTH? But then I thought back on the previous chapter about being responsible for every thought and action. Technically the question is valid. After thinking long and hard I came up with the following:

* Comfort in bondage.
* A way to stay within the boundaries I let others set for me.
* Excuses for not trying certain things.

Exercise #34
– On an index card write down the following affirmation to repeat daily.

‘I think, speak, and act confidently at all times.’

Additional Notes:

Make a list of things you’d do if your self-image and confidence in abilities was extremely high. Turn the list into solid goals that you want to accomplish.

Keep up with your positive affirmations to stay motivated.

Confidence, Your Responsibility – Notes Book #1

In the fourth chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) readers are encouraged to take responsibility for their confidence and daily actions. The only person with the power to change how you feel is you. This chapter is all about taking full responsibility for yourself, setting goals, planning, and putting it into action.

The power lies within you. It’s important to let go of negative habits.

For any of us to be truly free, we must first be willing to be responsible for our lives. –David McNally

Exercise #25 – Create a Wall of Confidence. Post confidence boosting ideas, notes, quotes, or affirmations to inspire.

I really like this idea. As a crafter and scrapbook-er I love making collages. The book suggested designating an entire wall in your home for this but I’m going to use the back of my bedroom door instead.

Similar to Vision Boards I’ll add quotes, affirmations, and positive images to a large piece of white poster board. Hang it up on the back of my door as the ‘Door of Confidence.’ When it’s done I’ll post a picture of it.

Becoming What You Want to Be – Notes Book #1

In the third chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) readers are asked to examine where their self-esteem issues come from. Although there are several factors that contribute in the end confidence or lack of is learned. Anything learned can be altered or improved.

Staying positive is essential for this process of growth. Sow seeds of confidence daily. Think good things about yourself and your potential.

Exercise #18
– Grab an index card and write down the following:

‘I greet every new day with firm commitment to raising my confidence, I will do whatever is required to become more confident.’

Place it where you can see it each morning upon waking. Silently repeat it and a reminder to the commitment you’ve made to yourself.

How Confident Are You? - Notes Book #1

In the second chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) the author addresses how confidence relates to self-image and self-esteem. The definitions stood out to me the most.

Self-image - the way you see yourself.

Self-Worth – value someone places on oneself. For example how worthy someone may think they are to receive joy, love, and success.

- the beliefs about your capacity to achieve and considered the core of confidence.

Belonging – feelings of self acceptance and respect by others.

All of these factors determine overall self-esteem.

Exercise #8 – How confident are you? Rate it on a scale of 0-10. What would you like it to be? I think I’m about at a 5 as far as confidence goes. It varies from day to day. I’d like to be at a 10 or beyond that if possible.

Exercise #9 &10 – Rate self-worth. On average a 5/6. How you relate to others out of 10? Where would you like to be on that same scale? Right now a 6 and I’d like to be at 10.

Exercise #11 is the same as the one I did earlier Self-Esteem Exercise #1: The List and #12 is another rating exercise for specific attributes like health and happiness. This chapter gave me a more in-depth perspective on where I am right now in my own personal growth.

Additional Notes:

Try smiling at yourself in a mirror each morning and night before going to bed. It will help program your mind towards acceptance.

Remember, your potential is limitless.

How to Build Confidence – Notes Book #1

In the first chapter of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence (book #1) the author David Lawrence Preston introduces readers to his five key concepts for achieving confidence. It involves self-awareness and ITIA (Intention, Thinking, Imagination, and Acting ‘As If’). The book also suggests getting a notebook to record thoughts and exercises for each chapter. Each entry should be dated. I’m going to start a notebook and post some of my notes and exercise results online.

What does confidence mean to you?

Exercise #3 – Describe confident people, what do they do that others don’t.

Confident people are secure. They don’t constantly second guess themselves. They believe in themselves. Confident people are successful. They interact with others well.

Exercise #4 – List 3 limiting beliefs about yourself. Change them into a positive affirmation.

I’m not good enough. - - - I am worthy and deserving.
I’m not beautiful. - - - I am beautiful.
I’m not capable. - - - I am more than capable.

Additional Notes:

Commit to spend time each day working towards building up your confidence.
Whatever you believe you can achieve.
Stop putting yourself down, when you catch yourself using negative self-talk immediately stop and replace it with something positive.

Self-esteem isn’t everything, its just that there’s nothing without it.
– Gloria Steinem

365 Steps to Self-Confidence

I found this interesting download for the ebook 365 Steps to Self-Confidence: A Programme for Personal Transformation in Just a Few Minutes a Day. The book is divided into 52 sections focusing on 7 specific areas of growth covering:

* Deciding to be confident
* Self-awareness
* Thinking confidently
* Using your imagination to improve self-image
* Acting with confidence
* Confident communication

Each section is loaded with helpful tips and exercises to help boost self-esteem and confidence. For the next couple of weeks I'll be reading this book and posting about my experiences along with other information I find on my journey to self-love. Listed below is the download link.